How I Learned To Embrace The Change

Growing up, I was always a creature of habit. I had my routines, my comfort zone, and the way I thought things should be. However, life often presents us with unexpected lessons in surprising ways, and it wasn’t long before I was faced with significant changes that forced me out of my comfort zone. From moving to a new country to dealing with the loss of a loved one, change has been a constant companion in my life. Over time, I’ve come to embrace change and the growth opportunities it brings.

As I’ve grappled with these transformations, I’ve often wondered: If change is so “natural,” why does it feel so unnatural to deal with? Why do we tend to resist change and seek stability? Is change always good? These are questions that have plagued philosophers, scientists, and people like myself for centuries.

Take, for example, the philosophical debate on the role of tradition in change. Is tradition a barrier to change, or is rejecting tradition a reinforcer of change? Tradition can be seen as a heuristic or an algorithm that predicts outcomes based on past experiences. Following tradition means maintaining stability, and in many ways, this can be a positive thing. However, when faced with new challenges, adhering to tradition might limit our ability to adapt and evolve.

This idea is supported by the observations of many civilizations throughout history. As civilizations reach their peak, they often become rigid and inflexible, eventually succumbing to decline and disintegration. This cultural breakdown is often attributed to a loss of adaptability and creativity. A society that cannot adapt to changing conditions is unable to continue the process of cultural evolution and will ultimately fail.

From a neurological perspective, our brains are wired to form habits and routines. Neural networks become stronger as we repeat the same actions over time, making it difficult to break from tradition. But on the flip side, evolution itself is a constant process of change. From an evolutionary perspective, change is the driving force behind adaptation and survival.

As a cosmic force, change is inevitable. It permeates everything, from atoms to galaxies. It is the driving force behind the increase in entropy over time, and without it, life as we know it would not exist. So, how do we reconcile our natural resistance to change with the necessity of change in our lives?

Woman resisting change

One way I’ve learned to embrace change is by reframing my perspective. Instead of seeing change as a threat to my stability, I now view it as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. By stepping out of my comfort zone and adapting to new situations, I’ve become more resilient and open-minded.

This shift in perspective has also led me to question the role of tradition in my life. Do I reject tradition and speed up the rate of progress, or do I embrace tradition and resist change? Ultimately, I believe there is a balance to be struck. Some traditions provide a sense of stability and continuity, while others may hold us back from adapting to new circumstances.

As I continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of life, I’ve learned that change is not something to be feared or resisted. Rather, it is an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve. By embracing change, we can better understand the world around us and our place within it.

So, the next time you find yourself faced with change, ask yourself: Is this an opportunity for growth? How can I use this change to become a better version of myself? And most importantly, remember that change is a natural part of life – it is up to us to decide how we will adapt and grow with it.

In the end, life is a series of changes, and the way we respond to them defines who we are. By embracing change and recognizing the opportunities it presents, we can live richer, more fulfilling lives.

In my personal journey, I’ve found that change often comes when we least expect it. But by cultivating an open mind and a willingness to adapt, we can turn these unexpected moments into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

To help others on their journey of embracing change, I’d like to share a few strategies that have worked for me:

  1. Acknowledge your emotions: Change can bring up a range of emotions, from fear and anxiety to excitement and anticipation. It’s essential to recognize and validate these feelings as part of the process. By acknowledging our emotions, we can better understand our reactions to change and find healthy ways to cope.
  2. Focus on the positives: While change can be challenging, it often brings about new opportunities and experiences. Try to focus on the potential benefits of the change and envision how it might lead to personal growth and development.
  3. Be proactive: Instead of waiting for change to happen, take charge of your life and make conscious decisions to shape your future. By being proactive, you can create positive changes and minimize the impact of unexpected events.
  4. Cultivate resilience: Change is inevitable, but our ability to bounce back and adapt is what sets us apart. Work on building your resilience by developing healthy coping mechanisms, seeking support from loved ones, and focusing on personal growth.
  5. Stay curious: Embrace a mindset of curiosity and continuous learning. By staying open to new ideas and experiences, you’ll be better equipped to adapt to change and find creative solutions to challenges.

In conclusion, the journey of embracing change is a deeply personal and transformative one. By recognizing the inevitability of change, questioning the role of tradition, and adopting a mindset of growth and adaptability, we can learn to thrive in the face of uncertainty.

As we explore the nature of change and its impact on our lives, it’s essential to remember that our reactions to change are just as important as the changes themselves. By choosing to see change as an opportunity for growth and development, we can overcome our natural resistance to change and learn to embrace it wholeheartedly.

Change is a fundamental aspect of the human experience, and the way we navigate these changes ultimately shapes our character and worldview. By embracing change with an open heart and mind, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us – and ultimately, lead richer, more fulfilling lives.

How to Automatically Redirect Your Customers to the Nearest Amazon or Apple Books Stores.

As an author or publisher, you want your readers to have an easy time purchasing your ebook. Amazon and Apple Books are two popular online platforms for purchasing ebooks. However, customers from different locations may have preferences for one store over the other. Instead of listing links to every existing Amazon or Apple store, a redirect service can automatically direct your customers to the nearest store based on their geographical location. In this article, we’ll discuss how to create a redirect service that automatically redirects your customers to the nearest Amazon and Apple Books stores using Microsoft Azure Function and Geolocation API.

Step 1: Get the Geolocation API token.

To redirect the customer to the nearest online store, we need to map the customer’s IP to their geographical location. This can be done by using geolocation APIs such as At the time of this writing, API is unlimited and free to everyone (just need to sign up). Just keep in mind there are many more APIs, but some are not free and some have limits on how many requests you can make per day or month. Also, if you choose to use a different API, you will need to adjust the code in step 2.

  1. Navigate to and click on the Sign Up button.
  2. Fill out the form and click Sign Up at the bottom of the page.
    • Password must be exactly 8 characters long.
  3. Once you logged in, you should see the API Details section. It should look similar to the image below.
    • Take note of the API key. API Details

Step 2: Create an Azure function to execute redirect.

Next, we will create an Azure Function to process customer requests when they click on a “Buy” button and redirect them to the corresponding online store.

  1. If you don’t yet have an Azure account, you can create one for free here.
  2. Open the Azure Portal and create a new Azure Function.
    • Click on the “burger” icon in the top left corner to bring up the menu.
    • Select the “Create a resource” option.
    • In the “Search services and marketplace” box type: azure function
    • On the results page click on the “Function App” tile.
    • Then click the “Create” button.
    • Select a subscription that was created when you signed up for your account.
    • Create a new “Resource Group” by clicking on the Create new” link.
      • Enter the Name (e.g. ecommerce) and click Ok.
    • Provide “Function App name” (e.g storeredirect)
    • Set “Runtime stack” to Node.js
    • Select your Region (e.g East US)
    • You can leave all other settings as default. The screen should look similar to the image below.
    • Click the “Review + create” button.
    • Azure will validate the configuration for a few seconds.
    • Next, click on the “Create” button.
    • Wait while Azure completes the Deployment.
    • Once completed, you can navigate to the resource by clicking the “Go to resource” button.
    • On the resource page, in the left menu, click on the “Functions” item under the Functions category.
    • On the Functions page, click on the “Create” button to add a new function.
    • On Create Function screen, select “Develop in portal” as a Development environment.
    • Select “HTTP trigger” from the list of templates.
    • Provide a New Function name, e.g. RedirectBasedOnIP
    • And select the Authorization level
      • For simplicity, select Anonymous, though keep in mind that in this case, the function will be accessible to anyone who has the link. If you want to limit access to this function, you should set a more secure level, but you might also need to adjust the code provided below.
    • Click Create.
    • Once the function is created, you should see the RedirectBasedOnIP (or whatever you named it) page.
    • In the menu on the left, click on the “Code + Test” option under the Developer category.
    • Make sure index.js is selected and copy-paste the code from the GitHub repo into the editor window.
    • Replace the token value (on line 29) with the API key you got in Step 1.
    • The code editor should look similar to the image below.
    • In the command menu at the top of the code editor, click on the “Save” link.
    • Next, in the same menu, click on the “Get function URL” link.
    • On the “Get function URL” pop-up click on the “copy to buffer” button to copy the URL to the clipboard.
  3. Paste and save the URL in Notepad or some other text editor. You will need it in the next step.

Step 3: Prepare links

Next, we need to prepare links to the stores where our book is listed for sale.

I’m going to use the following links for an ebook I have listed both on Amazon Kindle and Apple Books.

Amazon Kindle:

Apple Books:

Notice that both links include the US parameter, but depending on your location it can be different (e.g. DE, CA, FR, UK, etc). This is the country code we are going to replace based on the customer’s IP address. If the link to your store doesn’t include the country code parameter, this solution will not work. Let’s modify the URL so the country code is replaced by a placeholder {_}:

Amazon Kindle:{_}/dualbookshelf.marketplacelink/B0BY7D8G1Q

Apple Books:{_}/book/newton-in-imagination-city/id6446348158

Note the placeholder {_} in the updated links. Now let’s encode the above URLs so we can use them when calling the redirect service.

  1. Navigate to and paste the above links into the Encode box one by one
  2. Click Encode
  3. You should get results similar to these:
  4. As you can see all spaces and special characters were encoded. This step is required to prevent the redirect service from incorrectly processing the link.
  5. Copy and save the encoded links in Notepad or some other text editor.

Now we need to pass the encoded link to the redirect function we created in Step 2.

Recall the link from Step 2 (function URL). It should look similar to this:

Let’s include the encoded store link in the function URL by appending: ?template={encodedLinkToStore} at the end of the URL:

Copy and save updated function URLs in Notepad or some other text editor. You will need it in the next step.

Step 4: Configure the social media landing page

Social media links and landing pages have become increasingly popular for linking customers to relevant online resources. Next, we are going to create a link page and add Buy buttons to direct customers to the store where they can buy our ebook.

  1. Navigate to and create a new account.
  2. On the welcome screen, select the “Build your Start Page” option.
  3. Select a template most suitable to you.
  4. Provide a name for your page.
  5. Next, you can modify the template by adding or removing various blocks (button links, image links, text, YouTube Video, etc).
  6. Delete (or update) the blocks you don’t want to see on your page.
  7. Now let’s add two “Buy” buttons to the page.
    • Click on the “Add Block” button in the right-side menu.
    • Select “Button Link” under the Essentials category.
    • Provide a button Label, e.g. “Buy from Amazon
    • Enter the corresponding Link from Step 3, e.g.
    • Repeat the steps to add 2nd button for the Apple Books store.
    • You should have a landing page similar to the image below:
    • Buffer Start Page
  8. Once you are happy with the look of your landing page, click on Publish Changes button.
  9. Enter Your Business Name (e.g. picture-books) and click “Publish Start Page
  10. Congratulations! Your Start Page is live!
  11. Next, you can “Copy Link” and use it on your social media profile.

When potential customers click on your Start Page link, they will see your page and can easily navigate to the nearest online store where they can purchase your ebook.

If you encounter any issues or have a more complex scenario, feel free to reach out. I’d be happy to help!

Empathy in Agile Team Communication: Why It Matters More Than You Think

Agile is a widely adopted methodology for software development that prioritizes collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement. These principles are the foundation of Agile’s success, enabling teams to work together effectively and deliver high-quality results in a fast-paced environment. However, in order for these principles to work at their best, team members must have a deep understanding of one another. This is where empathy comes into play. By incorporating empathy into their communication style, Agile teams can foster a more positive and collaborative work environment, ultimately leading to improved outcomes and success.

What is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It goes beyond sympathy, which is simply feeling sorry for someone. Empathy allows us to put ourselves in another person’s shoes and see things from their perspective. This understanding allows us to communicate more effectively and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

The Importance of Empathy in Agile Teams

Agile teams rely on open and honest communication to succeed. Teams must be able to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns freely in order to make informed decisions and find solutions to problems. However, this level of collaboration can only be achieved if team members understand each other and are able to communicate in a way that is both respectful and effective.

Empathy plays a crucial role in promoting this kind of communication. When team members understand each other’s perspectives and feelings, they are better able to work together to resolve conflicts and find solutions that work for everyone. Empathy helps to build trust, foster collaboration, and create a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

The Impact of Empathy on Team Dynamics

Empathy has a significant impact on team dynamics. Teams that lack empathy tend to be more siloed and less collaborative. Members may have difficulty communicating and understanding each other, leading to disagreements and conflicts that can slow down the project and negatively impact productivity.

On the other hand, teams with high levels of empathy tend to be more cohesive and work together more effectively. Members are able to understand each other’s perspectives and work towards common goals, resulting in a more productive and harmonious work environment. Empathy helps to build trust and promote cooperation, which is essential for success in Agile teams.

Team showing empathy

Empathy in Conflict Resolution

Conflict is an inevitable part of any team dynamic. However, it can be particularly challenging in Agile teams, where members are working together closely and must make decisions quickly. Empathy is a valuable tool in resolving conflicts in an Agile environment. When team members understand each other’s perspectives and feelings, they are better able to find solutions that work for everyone.

Best Practices for Empathy in Agile Teams

To promote empathy in Agile teams, it is important to implement best practices that encourage understanding and appreciation of each other’s perspectives and emotions. Some of the best practices include:

  • Active Listening and Seeking to Understand: Encourage team members to actively listen and seek to understand each other’s perspectives and emotions. This can be done through regular retrospectives, one-on-one meetings, or team-building activities.
  • Showing Empathy in Both Words and Actions: Empathy should not only be expressed in words but also demonstrated in actions. Team members should strive to understand and appreciate each other’s perspectives and emotions, and act in ways that reflect that understanding.
  • Encouraging Empathy in Team Culture and Practices: Empathy should be encouraged in team culture and practices. This can be done by promoting active listening, encouraging open and honest communication, and creating opportunities for team members to understand and appreciate each other’s perspectives and emotions.
  • Continuously Practicing and Developing Empathy Skills: Empathy skills can and should be continuously developed and practiced. This can be done through training and workshops, or through ongoing reflection and self-awareness.

In conclusion

Empathy is a crucial component of effective communication in Agile teams. It allows team members to understand each other’s perspectives and feelings, promoting collaboration, trust, and a positive work environment. Empathy also plays a key role in resolving conflicts, resulting in a more harmonious team dynamic and improved productivity.

It is important to understand the value of empathy and incorporate it into your team’s communication style. Empathy may not be a traditional technical skill, but it’s an essential tool in promoting effective communication and achieving success in Agile environments.

Incorporating empathy into your team’s communication style doesn’t have to be difficult. Simple practices such as encouraging team members to share their feelings and perspectives, or incorporating empathy-building activities into your team dynamic, can go a long way in promoting a more empathetic and effective team. So why not give it a try and see the positive impact it can have on your Agile team’s communication and success.

Leveraging AI for Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the development of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. AI has come a long way since its inception in the 1950s, evolving from simple tasks such as playing chess and solving mathematical problems to becoming a powerful tool that has the potential to transform the business world.

Businesses today face a constant challenge to remain competitive in an ever-changing market. By adopting AI, companies can streamline their processes and gain a significant edge over their competitors. For example, AI-powered chatbots can handle customer service queries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks. AI algorithms can also analyze data to identify patterns and make predictions, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions in real time.

AI helping business people

Machine learning, a type of Artificial Intelligence, has become increasingly popular in recent years. It uses algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions based on patterns found in that data. By leveraging the power of machine learning (or AI), businesses can gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions that can improve efficiency and drive success.

For example, AI is playing an increasingly important role in supply chain management, helping to optimize logistics and transportation. AI algorithms can continually analyze shipping routes and suggest the most efficient one in terms of fuel consumption and transportation costs. This can prove to be immensely beneficial as it can help reduce waste and improve efficiency.

In education, machine learning can be used to personalize learning and help teachers create customized lesson plans for each student based on their individual needs and learning styles. AI can also be used to grade assignments, freeing up teachers’ time for other tasks. It could be used to analyze student performance data and predict future academic performance, enabling teachers to provide early interventions for students who may be at risk of falling behind.

In the nonprofit sector, machine learning can be used to analyze data to better understand the needs of communities, identify areas for improvement, and optimize resources for maximum impact. For example, it can be used to analyze data on donations, volunteer hours, and community outreach to help organizations make data-driven decisions and allocate resources more efficiently. Another example of using machine learning in the nonprofit sector is the use of algorithms to predict the likelihood of a donor making a repeat donation, enabling organizations to target their outreach efforts more effectively.

Generative AI, also known as generative adversarial networks (GANs), is another type of AI that has gained popularity in recent years. This type of AI can generate new data based on patterns in existing data. For example, a generative AI model trained on images of clothing could generate new, never-before-seen designs of clothing. This technology has applications in industries such as fashion and design, where it can be used to generate new ideas and designs. Moreover, in education, GANs can be used to create new learning materials and teaching tools (such as games, or individualized study plans), and for the nonprofit sector, GANs can be useful for generating marketing materials, making the creation process faster and easier.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize the business world. By streamlining processes, increasing efficiency, and providing valuable insights, AI is changing the way we do business. The future of AI looks bright, and businesses that adopt AI will have a significant advantage over their competitors. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, now is the time to invest in AI. Contact me today to learn how I can help you harness the power of AI to achieve your business goals.

Continuous Learning: The Key to Personal Growth and Professional Success

The saying “the only constant in the universe is change” is more relevant than ever in today’s fast-paced world. The ability to adapt and evolve is essential for survival in the constantly changing business landscape. Continuous learning, a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and skill development, enables individuals and organizations to remain relevant and competitive. With the world of business moving at a rapid pace, it’s important to keep up with the latest technologies and industry trends to stay ahead of the curve. Continuous learning can help us achieve this by providing the necessary skills and knowledge to take advantage of new opportunities and technologies, making it an important aspect of personal growth and professional success.

The traditional approach of learning only through formal education or training is no longer sufficient.

One philosophy that emphasizes continuous learning is Kaizen, which originated in Japan and means “improvement” or “change for the better.” Kaizen focuses on small, incremental improvements that lead to significant long-term results. By consistently seeking out new knowledge and skills, individuals can achieve their goals and stay competitive in their field.

Painting of Change. by Malevich (as envisioned by Stable Diffusion AI)
Painting of Change. by Malevich (as envisioned by Stable Diffusion AI)

But it’s not just individuals who can benefit from continuous learning.

Building a learning culture within an organization is crucial for success. A learning culture encourages employees to take initiative and constantly improve their skills, leading to increased productivity and innovation. In fact, a report by Deloitte found that organizations with a strong culture of learning and development tend to have more engaged employees and higher levels of innovation. A culture of continuous learning also attracts top talent, as individuals are drawn to organizations that prioritize their professional growth.

Moreover, continuous learning can also help organizations to keep pace with technological advancements and industry trends. In today’s digital age, new technologies and tools are emerging at a rapid pace. Organizations that fail to keep up risk falling behind their competitors. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, organizations can ensure that their employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to take advantage of new technologies and stay ahead of the curve.

One way to establish a learning culture within an organization is through the use of agile methodologies.

Agile is a project management approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. By regularly reassessing and adjusting their work processes, teams using agile can quickly adapt to changes and stay ahead of the curve. Agile methodologies provide an environment that encourages continuous learning and improvement, making it an effective tool for building a learning culture.

One of the key principles of agile is its focus on continuous improvement. Agile teams regularly assess their work processes and make adjustments as needed. This allows teams to continuously learn from their successes and failures, and make improvements that lead to better results. This process of continuous improvement is a key component of building a culture of learning within an organization.

Another important aspect of agile is its emphasis on collaboration. Agile teams are made up of individuals from different departments and backgrounds, who work together to achieve a common goal. This cross-functional collaboration allows team members to learn from one another, share their knowledge and expertise, and work together to find solutions to problems. This collaborative approach also helps to create a culture of continuous learning, as team members are encouraged to share their ideas and learn from one another.

Implementing agile can be challenging.

It is important to have the right support in place. That’s why I encourage organizations to reach out for help with agile transformation. By working with an experienced professional, you can ensure a smooth transition and set your team up for success.

In conclusion, continuous learning is vital for personal growth and professional success. By embracing the philosophy of Kaizen and building a learning culture through agile, individuals and organizations can achieve their goals and stay competitive in their field. Don’t wait, start your continuous learning journey today.

Beyond Software: Can Agile Be Used for Non-Tech Projects?

Agile methodology has been a game-changer in the software development industry, but can it be applied to non-tech projects? The answer is yes.

Agile is a flexible and adaptable project management approach that can be used in a variety of industries, including education, or for maniging projects at non-profit organizations.

In education, Agile can be used to improve the effectiveness of curriculum development.  For example, an Agile approach can be used to break down the curriculum development process into small, manageable chunks and allow for continuous feedback from teachers and students. This approach can help to ensure that the curriculum is relevant and effective. Additionally, Agile can improve communication and collaboration between teachers, administrators, and students.

Similarly, Agile can be used in non-profit organizations to manage projects such as fundraising and volunteer coordination. The Agile approach can help non-profits to be more responsive to the needs of their clients and to make better use of limited resources. Agile emphasizes regular meetings and check-ins, which can help to keep team members informed and on track. It also encourages collaboration and continuous feedback, leading to a more positive work environment.

Team during Agile meeting

However, it is essential to note that Agile is not a one-size-fits-all approach and it may not be suitable for every project.

If you’re interested in using Agile for your non-software projects, here are some steps you can take to get started:

  1. Identify your organization’s specific needs and determine if Agile is the right approach for your project.
    • Assess the current project management approach and identify areas for improvement.
    • Identify the goals and objectives of the project and determine if Agile aligns with them.
    • Determine if the project requires a flexible and adaptable approach.
    • Consider the size and complexity of the project and determine if Agile is feasible.
  2. Create a team of stakeholders who will be involved in the Agile implementation process.
    • Identify key stakeholders such as project managers, team members, and stakeholders.
    • Involve all stakeholders in the Agile implementation process.
    • Create a team charter outlining the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
    • Hold regular team meetings to ensure all stakeholders are informed and engaged.
  3. Develop a detailed plan for implementing Agile, including timelines and resources.
    • Create a project roadmap outlining the key milestones and deliverables.
    • Identify the resources required to implement Agile, such as training and tools.
    • Develop a detailed project plan including timelines and deadlines.
    • Identify any potential risks or roadblocks and develop a plan to mitigate them.
  4. Start with small projects to test the Agile approach before scaling up.
    • Start with a pilot project that is small in scope and easy to manage.
    • Use the pilot project to test the Agile approach and identify any challenges.
    • Adjust the approach as needed and use the pilot project as a learning opportunity.
    • Once the pilot project is successful, scale up to larger projects.
  5. Monitor progress and adjust the approach as needed.
    • Regularly review project progress and identify any areas for improvement.
    • Hold regular retrospectives to reflect on the project and identify areas for improvement.
    • Make adjustments to the approach as needed to ensure the project stays on track.
    • Continuously monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure success.
  6. If you need help with Agile transformation, or if you would like to know more about the benefits of Agile for non-software projects, please fill free to reach out and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

In conclusion, Agile methodology can just as well benefit many non-tech projects such as projects in education or projects managed by non-profit organizations. It is a flexible and adaptable approach that can improve project management and increase the well-being of employees. It’s a method that can be easily adapted to various industries and can be a game-changer for non-tech projects as well. Agile can be a great solution for organizations looking to improve their project management, communication, and collaboration within the team.

Agile Manifesto for Personal Development

In the earlier post, I shared my thoughts on using Agile software development principles for personal growth. And it seems an agile framework can be incredibly valuable for approaching growth and development in a flexible, collaborative, and sustainable way. That’s why I decided to take things a step further and see how the Agile Manifesto can be applied to personal development.

Individuals and their unique experiences and perspectives over strict methods and strategies

Prioritizing individual growth and well-being over external measures of success

Collaborating with others and seeking support in our growth journey over pursuing personal growth alone

Adapting to personal and professional changes and challenges over sticking to a fixed plan

Prioritizing progress and self-awareness over perfection

Embracing experimentation and failure as opportunities for growth and learning over avoiding risk

Maintaining a balance between personal and professional growth, as well as physical and mental well-being, over focusing solely on one aspect of life

Seeking continuous self-improvement and self-awareness over complacency

Valuing open and honest communication and self-reflection in personal growth over superficial appearances.

Let’s examine each item in more detail.

Individuals and their unique experiences and perspectives over strict methods and strategies. 

Every person has their own unique experiences, perspectives, and ways of learning and growing. By valuing individuals and their unique qualities, I can better support their (and my own) personal growth and development. This may involve being flexible with my approach and being open to trying new strategies and methods that are tailored to the individual.

Prioritizing individual growth and well-being over external measures of success. 

Personal growth and well-being should be the primary focus, rather than external measures of success such as grades, awards, or societal expectations. By prioritizing individual growth and well-being, I can better support myself and others in our growth journey. This may involve setting personal goals and focusing on personal development rather than external validation.

Collaborating with others and seeking support in our growth journey over pursuing personal growth alone. 

Personal growth is often enhanced by collaborating with others and seeking support from others in our growth journey. By working together and seeking support, we can learn from each other and grow together. This may involve seeking out mentors or seeking support from peers or a support group.

Adapting to personal and professional changes and challenges over sticking to a fixed plan. 

Personal growth often involves adapting to changes and challenges in our lives. By being open to change and willing to adapt, I can better navigate challenges and continue to grow and develop. This may involve being flexible and open to new opportunities and being willing to reassess my goals and plans as needed.

Prioritizing progress and self-awareness over perfection. 

Progress and self-awareness are more important than striving for perfection. By focusing on progress and self-awareness, I can better understand my own growth and development, and continue to work towards personal growth and well-being. This may involve setting achievable goals and regularly reflecting on my progress and areas for improvement.

Embracing experimentation and failure as opportunities for growth and learning over avoiding risk. 

Experimentation and failure can be valuable opportunities for growth and learning. By being open to trying new things and being willing to learn from my mistakes, I can continue to grow and develop. This may involve taking risks and trying new things, even if there is a chance of failure. It may also involve learning from my mistakes and using them as opportunities for personal growth.

Maintaining a balance between personal and professional growth, as well as physical and mental well-being, over focusing solely on one aspect of life.

It’s important to maintain a balance between personal and professional growth, as well as physical and mental well-being. By focusing on all aspects of my life, I can better support my overall growth and well-being. This may involve setting goals and making plans in all areas of my life, and regularly reviewing and adjusting my priorities to ensure that I am taking care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Seeking continuous self-improvement and self-awareness over complacency. 

It’s important to continually seek self-improvement and self-awareness in order to continue growing and developing. By being open to new ideas and ways of thinking, and being willing to reflect on my own growth and development, I can continue to work towards personal growth and well-being. This may involve setting learning goals, seeking out new experiences and challenges, and regularly engaging in self-reflection.

Valuing open and honest communication and self-reflection in personal growth over superficial appearances. 

Open and honest communication and self-reflection are key to personal growth and development. By being open and honest with myself and others, and being willing to reflect on my own growth and development, I can better support my personal growth and well-being. This may involve being honest with myself about my strengths and weaknesses and being willing to seek feedback and support from others.

By embracing these values, we can better support ourselves and others in our agile growth journey and achieve growth and well-being in all aspects of our lives. Have you ever thought about using Agile for your own growth journey? Which items resonate with you the most?

AI: The Apprentice That Will Never Be a Master

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, with many experts predicting that it will soon surpass human intelligence in a number of areas. But despite all the hype, there is one thing that AI will never be: a master.

It is important to remember that Artificial Intelligence is just a tool, and it is up to humans to decide how to use it

One of the main reasons why Artificial Intelligence will always be an apprentice is because it lacks the ability to think and act independently. Unlike humans, who have the ability to make their own decisions and adapt to new situations, AI is essentially a slave to the instructions it is given. It is not capable of independent thought or decision-making and is therefore not capable of leading or guiding others.

Another important reason why AI will never be a master is that it lacks the ability to feel emotions or has subjective experiences. Unlike humans, who have the capacity to feel a wide range of emotions, AI is not capable of feeling anything at all. It does not have the ability to experience love, joy, sadness, or any other human emotion, which means that it cannot truly understand the needs and desires of other beings.

This lack of emotional intelligence is a significant disadvantage for AI, as it prevents it from being able to empathize with others or to respond to their emotional needs. It also means that AI is not capable of understanding the complexities of human relationships or social interactions. In short, AI’s lack of emotional intelligence makes it ill-equipped to be a master, as it cannot truly understand or relate to the people it is supposed to be leading.

Additionally, AI is not capable of self-improvement or self-awareness. Unlike humans, who have the ability to learn from their mistakes and to reflect on their own actions, AI is unable to change or improve itself. It does not have the ability to self-reflect or self-evaluate, which are crucial skills for mastery. In order to truly master a subject or skill, one must be able to look back on one’s own performance, identify areas for improvement, and make the necessary changes to become better. Without the ability to self-reflect and self-evaluate, AI is not capable of achieving mastery.

“AI trying to be a human.” As pictured by Stable Diffusion AI

Though, there is a possibility that AI could eventually become a master in the future. As AI technology continues to evolve and improve, it is possible that it could gain the ability to think and act independently, feel emotions and have subjective experiences, and to self-reflect and self-evaluate. If AI were to gain these abilities, it could potentially become a master in its own right.

However, it is important to note that this scenario is purely hypothetical, and it is not clear if or when it might happen. At present, AI lacks the ability to think, feel, and self-improve, and it is not clear if these abilities can be developed through technology alone. Additionally, even if AI were to gain these abilities, it would still face many challenges and limitations. For example, AI would not have the same experiences and cultural knowledge as humans, which could limit its ability to understand and relate to people.

While it is possible that Artificial Intelligence could become a master in the future, it is not a certainty. For now, AI will remain an apprentice, serving at the whims of its human masters. And that’s just the way it should be. While AI may be able to perform many tasks faster and more accurately than humans, it will never be able to truly understand the complexities of the human experience. It will never be able to feel emotions, reflect on its own actions, or make independent decisions. It will always be an apprentice, following the instructions of its human masters.

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize many industries and improve our lives in countless ways. But it is important to remember that AI is just a tool, and it is up to humans to decide how to use it. As long as we remember that AI is an apprentice and not a master, we can use it to our advantage without losing sight of our own humanity.

Agile Principles for Personal Growth

Striving to become the best version of yourself?

Agile software development offers the solution. Through its principles, we can identify our weaknesses and take action to grow and improve. By implementing these principles, we can create a path for personal growth and success.

Agile software development is an approach to project management that prioritizes flexibility, encourages collaboration, and promotes continuous improvement. This methodology is based on 12 core principles, and we are going to apply these principles to personal growth and development.

Personal Growth
Personal growth is key to a successful life.

The 12 principles

Here are the 12 principles of agile software development, along with suggestions for how they can be adapted for personal growth and development:

“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through the early and continuous delivery of valuable software.”

Thus, prioritize meeting the needs and expectations of yourself and then – others. This could also mean setting clear goals and regularly checking in with yourself and others to ensure that you are making progress and meeting your objectives.

“Welcome changing requirements, even late in development; Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.”

Thus, welcome and embrace change as an opportunity for growth and development. This could also mean being open to new experiences and challenges and being willing to adjust your goals or strategies as you learn and grow.

“Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference for a shorter timescale.”

Thus, take small, consistent steps towards your goals, and regularly review and reflect on your progress. This could also mean breaking work into smaller pieces, setting short-term goals, and regularly checking in with yourself to ensure that you are making progress and staying on track.

“Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

Thus, work closely with others and seek out opportunities for collaboration and support. This could also mean seeking out mentors, coaches, or support groups to help you on your journey, and being open to feedback and suggestions from others.

“Build projects around motivated individuals, give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.”

Thus, build a supportive environment that encourages and motivates everyone to succeed. This could also mean setting up a physical or virtual workspace that is conducive to learning and growth and surrounding yourself with people who support and encourage you.

“The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.”

Thus, communicate openly and honestly with others, and seek out regular feedback and guidance. This could also mean being open and transparent with others about your thoughts, feelings, and goals, and regularly seeking out feedback and suggestions from others.

“Working software is the primary measure of progress.”

Thus, regularly check in with yourself to assess your overall well-being and satisfaction with life, and use this as a gauge of your progress and success. It could also mean setting goals and priorities that align with your values and aspirations and taking concrete steps to achieve them.

“Agile processes promote sustainable development; the sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.”

Thus, maintain a healthy balance between work and leisure, and avoid burnout or exhaustion. This could also mean setting aside regular time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation, and avoiding over-committing or taking on too much at once.

“Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.”

Thus, continuously seek out opportunities to learn and improve, strive to grow your competencies, but also be kind to yourself. This could also mean being open to new ideas and experiences, and actively seeking out opportunities to grow and develop.

“Simplicity – the art of maximizing the amount of work not done – is essential.”

Thus, simplify and clarify your goals and priorities, and focus on what is most important and valuable. This could also mean setting clear, achievable goals and priorities, and avoiding getting overwhelmed by too many competing demands.

“The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.”

Thus, you can empower yourself to take control of your own life and development, and seek out opportunities for self-direction and autonomy. This could also mean taking an active role in shaping your own life and development, rather than simply following the lead of others.

“At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.”

Thus, regularly review and reflect on your progress and effectiveness, and adjust your approach as needed. This could also mean setting aside regular time to review and reflect on your progress and goals, and making adjustments or improvements as needed.


Overall, these principles offer a valuable framework for approaching personal growth and development in a flexible, collaborative, and sustainable way. By focusing on individuals and interactions, responding to change, and valuing transparency and openness, we can create a supportive environment for learning and growth, and strive to become the best versions of ourselves.

How I Learned That Change Is Inevitable

The last time I posted about change was over 2 years ago and little did I know that I was about to experience the most profound change yet. But this time, it was not something that I had planned or anticipated. When I was writing that post, I was only thinking about making a career move – exiting my job and following the dream to build a business focused around helping people to learn and adapt to change. But before I was able to finalize my plans, the Universe threw a curveball, and the pandemic, which ensued, put me entirely off track. Only a couple of years later I felt comfortable enough to get back on track. Well, almost. In retrospect, I should have kept going back then, but adding more change on top of everything that was going on at that time didn’t seem like the right move. I just didn’t want any more change.

Speaking of change. Change is a weird concept. It is inevitable and ubiquitous. Ordinary people can inspire or influence change through their actions. Sometimes we embrace it, other times we fiercely resist it. Sometimes we build our whole lives around the need for change, yet we hardly understand how it works.

Heraclitus photo generated by AI
Heraclitus* (VI-V BCE)

The cyclical process of birth, growth, breakdown, and dissolution has long been a philosophical subject, maybe reaching back to the ancient Greeks. Heraclitus, who is remembered for his maxims “there is nothing permanent except change” and “you can never step into the same river twice,” compared the world order to an ever-living fire, “kindling in measures and going out in measures.” His compatriot Empedocles attributed the changes in the universe to the ebb and flow of two complementary forces which he called “love” and “hate.” Correspondingly, the ancient Chinese philosophers viewed reality as the dynamic interplay of two opposites — the yin and the yang. Their keen understanding of change is reflected in the term they use for “crisis” — Wei-Ji — which is composed of the characters for “danger” and “opportunity.”

Karl Marx photo generated by AI
Karl Marx* (1818-1883)

Change, according to Oswald Spengler, Pitirim Sorokin, and other social thinkers, is fundamentally cyclical. This means that changes happen in a repeating pattern and that, although the specifics may be different each time, the general sequence of events is the same. The major alternative to this model is the linear or evolutionary view of change perhaps best articulated by Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, and August Comte. This interpretation is reminiscent of the general belief in science and progress held by social scientists in the nineteenth century. Marx’s theories were based in large part on Hegel‘s view of history as a dialectical progression.

Hegel postulated that one concept (thesis) inevitably generates its opposite (antithesis) and that their interaction leads to a new concept (synthesis), which in turn becomes the thesis of a new triad. Marx adapted this model to his analysis of social change, asserting that all changes in society arise from the development of its internal contradictions. He saw society’s classes as encapsulating the contradictory principles of social order, and class struggle as a result of their dialectic interaction. Class struggle was the driving force of history for Marx. He held that all-important historical progress was born in conflict, struggle, and violent revolution. Human suffering and sacrifice were a necessary price that had to be paid for social change.

French Revolution generated by AI
French Revolution* (May 5, 1789 – Nov 9, 1799)

But the most exciting contributions to the idea of change in recent decades have come from people who study quantum physics, general systems, and chaos and complexity. Nobel laureates such as chemist Ilya Prigogine, physicist Murray Gell-Mann, and economist Kenneth Arrow, along with a host of others engaged in the study of complex systems have pioneered a new approach to understanding the change, or in other words – instability and fluctuations that characterize seemingly random events, be it at the level of molecules, of biological systems, or even of social systems. They have shown that many random events can be understood as the outcome of a complex set of interrelationships that are themselves subject to rapid and unpredictable change.

The central discovery here is the prevalence of instability. In essence, instability means that small changes in initial conditions may lead to a large amplification of the effects of the changes. A great example of this is the butterfly effect. It is difficult to predict what will happen when a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon, but a storm will likely form in the Atlantic. The butterfly effect is the unpredictable outcome of small changes in initial conditions. And sometimes seemingly insignificant events can lead to large-scale effects, like the financial crisis of 2008, or the spread of a virus.

Ilya Prigogine, who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1977, has been at the center of the emerging science of complexity. In his book “Order Out of Chaos”, he explores the nature of change in what he calls “dissipative structures.” Dissipative structures are best described as open systems in the sense that they interact with the larger world around them by constantly trading energy and maintaining themselves through an endless dynamic flow. One of the chief characteristics of these systems is that they are subject to constant fluctuations or perturbations, sudden shifts that allow for novelty and unpredictable change.

A prime example of a dissipative structure is a human being. We are constantly interacting with our environment, taking in energy in the form of food and water and releasing energy in the form of waste and heat. Our biological systems then self-organize to maintain this flow. Fluctuations or perturbations in this case would be changes in our body temperature or sudden shifts in our moods. Our mind is another example of a dissipative structure, with its own fluctuations or perturbations caused by the changing world around us.

A painting of the human brain, by Leonardo DaVinci*

Effectively, human beings are the epitome of change. As dissipative structures, we are complex, dynamic systems that are constantly in motion and change. Our bodies, minds, and experiences are subject to constant fluctuations and perturbations, which drive our behavior and evolution over time. Our bodies are constantly transforming, our minds are always wondering and our inventions are forever changing the world around us. We are capable of adapting to new environments and situations, and we are constantly learning and growing. It can be seen that change is an inherent part of our world and human nature. Understanding how change works, and how we can learn to adapt to it, is essential for dealing with the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

But if a change is so “natural”, why does it feel so unnatural to deal with? Why do we tend to resist change and seek stability? Is change always good? These are some of the questions that I will address in my next post. Hopefully in less than 2 years. Stay tuned.

* All images were generated with Stable Diffusion AI